With the recent increase in audit thresholds, there are over 300,000 companies in the UK that now no longer require a statutory audit. When was the last time you checked whether you were exempt from the statutory audit?
Or indeed, when was the last time you checked whether you were required to have a statutory audit?
Other firms, such as solicitors and estate agents require separate regulatory reports to be prepared for their supervisory bodies.
Whichever net you fall into, some companies consider statutory and other regulatory audits to be an unnecessary, administrative burden, designed to keep accountants in business. Others relish the prospect of having an independent third party to come in to check their books and receive a clean bill of health.
The fact is that your bank, your supervisory body, your suppliers, your customers, investors and failing the above, the Companies Act may require you to have your accounts subject to an independent audit.
So why not adopt a firm that can make your audit a seamless bare necessity that is cost effective and undertaken with minimum disruption to your business? By adopting the latest auditing techniques, Ark & Co Ltd can provide the users of your accounts with a meaningful audit report from a firm with a reputation.
And you never know, by letting Ark & Co Ltd into the heart of your business, you may even receive recommendations that add more to your profit than the cost of a lifetime of audits!
Don't know where to start with audits? speak to us about Company Audits and Regulatory Reporting.
Require more information?
If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 0121 429 4054. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.