
We have helped many of our clients to grow and develop their businesses over the years

Supplying a comprehensive range of financial and business support services and ongoing strategic advice.

Our aim is to provide a professional, personal, effective solution to all of your day-to-day accounting, auditing and taxation needs. We use our expertise to complete this work quickly and accurately, and our experience to explore opportunities and identify potential problems before they arise.

Our range of accountancy services

By getting to know you and your business we aim to become a valuable member of your team.

Start Up

Bookkeeping and Accounts Preparation

Why spend hours, days and weeks trying to prepare accounts when you should be running your business?


Tax Compliance

The tax compliance burden for even the smallest business is a heavy one.


Payroll Services

Operating a payroll function can be a time consuming matter and mistakes can be costly. So why not leave it to the experts?

Company Audits

Company Audits and Regulatory Reporting

Why not adopt a firm that can make your audit a seamless bare necessity?

Business Finance

Business Finance and Business Planning

Ark & Co can work with you to prepare your business proposition.


Tax Planning

If you want to manage your tax cost, speak to us about tax planning.

Tax Investigations

Tax Investigations

Sooner or later, your tax return will come under scrutiny by HMRC.

Forensic Accounting

Forensic Accounting

Ark & Co have a wealth of experience in dealing with the quantification of claims.



Ark & Co is a niche Accountancy practice that specialises in Business Advisory & Taxation services however, continue to offer full Accountancy Services including Auditing and Payroll. We work closely with owner managed businesses in the UK and Overseas.
Mandeep Rajput, CeFA CeMAP PMA
Managing Director


Ark & Co Ltd, The Maltings, 2 Anderson Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B66 4AR

Contact us today!

0121 429 4054

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